Service Provider FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who do I address my invoice to?
Please address your invoice to the participant and email to [email protected]

For hints and tips about what to include on your invoice, please view our article here.

When will I get paid?

No matter if you’re a large provider or a sole trader, we understand that getting paid for your services in a timely manner matters.

*Learn more about what’s needed on your invoice in order to be processed here. 

Here’s some helpful things to check before contacting our team:

Step 1Check if we have received your invoice
You should have received a confirmation email when you submitted your invoice. If you didn’t, please check your junk or promotional folders first. If you still can’t locate the confirmation email, please get back in touch as soon as possible with a copy of the invoice. If you have not received a confirmation email, we have not received your invoice for processing. 

Step 2Invoice Processing
Whilst we most often process invoices in just a few days, we kindly request that providers please allow up to 7 business days to be submitted to the NDIA for claim.

Step 3 – Claim submitted to the NDIA

The NDIA will review the claim before funds are released, with the below turnaround times:

  • Valid claims should be paid within 2 – 3 business days from the date of submission to the NDIA;
  • Some claims may take up to 10 days to be processed.
If you have paid upfront for a service, you can submit a request for reimbursement by following the steps below.

To submit a request for reimbursement:

  • Please send an email to [email protected] with the subject “Reimbursement for [Participant Name]”
  • Attach a copy of your receipt or paid invoice
  • Let us know who the reimbursement is for (participant name) and who you’d like us to pay (who will we reimburse)

*Note – If this is the first time you are submitting a request for reimbursement or your details have changed, please also include your bank details so we know where to transfer funds to.

If you want us to pay the provider directly, please email provider invoices to – [email protected]
This allows us to stay focused on processing claims and getting payments out quickly.

Did you receive my invoice?
You should have received a confirmation email when you submitted your invoice. If you didn’t, please check your junk or promotional folders first. If you still can’t locate the confirmation email, please get back in touch as soon as possible with a copy of the invoice. If you have not received a confirmation email, we have not received your invoice for processing.
Provider Service Agreements

A service agreement is an agreement between you and your service provider.

We’ve put together a handy list of things to include in your Service Agreement.

  • The agreement start and end date
  • Your ABN
  • Describe the service you are providing – e.g. Physiotherapy 
  • Budget category more information on the NDIA Pricing Arrangement and budget categories can be found here Pricing arrangements | NDIS
  • The total amount you would like to allocate to each budget category
  • Make sure it’s signed by you and the participant, or their nominee

As a Plan Manager, we can set aside funds outlined in your service agreement.

Please forward us a copy of your Service Agreement, signed by both your business and the Participant or their Nominee, to [email protected]

Plan Tracker Contact Details
Please address your invoice to the participant and email to [email protected]*

Company Name: Plan Tracker Pty Ltd

Address: PO Box 92, Gosford NSW 2250

ABN: 69615948019

Phone: 1800 549 670

We appreciate hearing any feedback or questions you may have. We are always striving to improve our services and to better meet your needs.

For hints and tips about what to include on your invoice, please view our help article here.